Frequently Asked Questions

+ When was Fresh Plate launched?

Fresh Plate launched on Monday, September 13th, 2021.

+ Which schools are involved?

χpey̓ Elementary is the first school to benefit from the Fresh Plate breakfast program. χpey̓ is the only Indigenous Focus Choice School in the Lower Mainland. The school enrollment is just shy of 100 students, of which 85% arrive at school unfed.

We plan to expand Fresh Plate to other schools in the near future.

+ What are our current fundraising goals?

Our fundraising goal is $250,000. This amount will enable us to grow so that we can expand the Fresh Plate program to more schools. We kickstarted the fundraising campaign with $60,000 to be used over a three-year period to demonstrate to the Vancouver School District that there is long term commitment to the Fresh Plate program.

+ Will a tax receipt be issued?

Yes. All donations made to Fresh Plate will be processed through the Vancouver School District, which is a registered charity. A tax receipt will automatically be issued when the donation is made through this link. Please ensure that the Fund Destination is “Fresh Plate Breakfast Program”.

+ How much of my donation will go towards administration fees?

Zero. Fresh Plate is a fundraising initiative organized by a team of volunteers. As such, there are no running costs and 100% of all donations will go directly to providing nutritious breakfast meals to children in participating schools.

+ Is Fresh Plate a registered charity?

No. Fresh Plate is a private initiative created by Andrew and Crystal Johns with the intention to provide each child the opportunity to access a nutritious and fulfilling breakfast, regardless of financial circumstance.

We are proud to sponsor the Vancouver School District, a registered charity.

+ What is the cost breakdown of the program?

The average cost per meal at χpey̓ Elementary is $5.25. The school district provides $3.50 per meal and the $1.75 difference is funded through donations made by the community. There are 172 school days in a year. A $903 donation will provide breakfast for one child for the entire school year.

+ What is the maximum donation amount?

You can donate up to $15,000 to the program on the Vancouver School District donation page. To donate an amount greater than $15,000, please contact the Fresh Plate team at