χpey̓ Elementary
As the only Indigenous Focus Choice school in the Lower Mainland, χpey̓ Elementary’s population reflects the urban Indigenous peoples of Vancouver. Our pilot program will begin with χpey̓, with the intention of expanding Fresh Plate into other schools as necessary.
χpey̓ Elementary School Principal Rose MacKenzie said: “We have all heard the adage breakfast is the most important meal of the day and at χpey̓ we believe it is true. When our students eat a healthy breakfast before starting school they are more focused, energetic, stronger and have a higher intake of vitamins and minerals.”

Program Cost
Current enrollment figures for χpey̓ show 84 students confirmed to date. Prior to the pandemic, the daily attendance rate for the χpey̓ breakfast program was around 80-85% , which would equal approximately 70 students daily in 2021/2022
The pilot program will take into consideration annual donation and district budget outlined below:
Average Cost per Meal
Average cost per meal = $5.25
The district provides $3.50 per meal to χpey̓. The $1.75 per meal difference is funded by donations from various partners.
Estimated Annual Cost
$63,210 / year
172 school days x 70 (average daily attendance) x $5.25 per meal
Your Donation
Could provide 1 week of breakfasts
Could provide 1 month for breakfasts
Could provide breakfast for 50 children
Could provide 1 year of breakfast meals per child